any concerns with pcolor (x,y,z) points 1. not being regular lattice 2. in random order?

pcolor function gives a nice color plot when user supplies
a list of triplets. e.g. [ (1,2,3), (4,5,6), ... ].

I usually try to supply these points such that the points
are in some *order* and on a regular *lattice*.

Are there any issues with supplying points in any random
order that aren't evenly spaced but completely random
in position as well?




Christian Seberino, Ph.D.
SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego
Code 2872
49258 Mills Street, Room 158
San Diego, CA 92152-5385

Phone: (619) 553-9973
Fax : (619) 553-6521
Email: seberino@...391...