ANN: matplotlib-0.87

Notable notes:
   - Built against numpy-0.9.5
   - A wealth of bugfixes


2006-02-22 Released 0.87

2006-02-21 Fixed portrait/landscape orientation in postscript backend - DSD

2006-02-21 fix bug introduced in yesterday's bug fix - SC

2006-02-20 FigureCanvasGTK.draw(): fix bug reported by
           David Tremouilles - SC

2006-02-20 Remove the "pygtk.require('2.4')" error from
           examples/ - SC

2006-02-18 FigureCanvasGTK.draw(): simplify to use (rather than
           duplicate) the expose_event() drawing code - SC

2006-02-12 Added stagger or waterfall plot capability to LineCollection;
           illustrated in examples/ - EF

2006-02-11 Massive cleanup of the usetex code in the postscript
backend. Possibly
           fixed the clipping issue users were reporting with older versions of
           ghostscript - DSD

2006-02-11 Added autolim kwarg to axes.add_collection. Changed
           collection get_verts() methods accordingly. - EF

2006-02-09 added a temporary rc parameter text.dvipnghack, to allow
Mac users to get nice
           results with the usetex option. - DSD

2006-02-09 Fixed a bug related to setting font sizes with the usetex
option. - DSD

2006-02-09 Fixed a bug related to usetex's latex code. - DSD

2006-02-09 Modified behavior of font.size rc setting. You should
define font.size in pts,
           which will set the "medium" or default fontsize. Special
text sizes like axis
           labels or tick labels can be given relative font sizes like
small, large,
           x-large, etc. and will scale accordingly. - DSD

2006-02-08 Added py2exe specific datapath check again. Also added new
           py2exe helper function get_py2exe_datafiles for use in py2exe
  scripts. - CM

2006-02-02 Added box function to pylab

2006-02-02 Fixed a problem in, tk library formatted in unicode
           caused build problems - DSD

2006-02-01 Dropped TeX engine support in usetex to focus on LaTeX. - DSD

2006-01-29 Improved usetex option to respect the serif, sans-serif, monospace,
           and cursive rc settings. Removed the font.latex.package rc setting,
           it is no longer required - DSD

2006-01-29 Fixed tex's caching to include rc information - DSD

2006-01-29 Fixed subpixel rendering bug in *Agg that was causing
           uneven gridlines - JDH

2006-01-28 Added fontcmd to backend_ps's RendererPS.draw_tex, to support other
           font families in eps output - DSD

2006-01-28 Added MaxNLocator to, and changed to
           use it by default. - EF

2006-01-28 Added fontcmd to backend_ps's RendererPS.draw_tex, to support other
           font families in eps output - DSD

2006-01-27 Buffered reading of matplotlibrc parameters in order to allow
           'verbose' settings to be processed first (allows
           during rc validation process) - DSD

2006-01-27 Removed setuptools support from and created a
           separate file to replace it. - CM

2006-01-26 Replaced the ugly datapath logic with a cleaner approach from
           Overrides the install_data command. - CM

2006-01-24 Don't use character typecodes in cntr.c --- changed to use
           defined typenumbers instead. - TEO

2006-01-24 Fixed some bugs in usetex's and ps.usedistiller's dependency

2006-01-24 Added masked array support to scatter - EF

2006-01-24 Fixed some bugs in usetex's and ps.usedistiller's dependency
           checking - DSD