ANN: matplotlib-0.63.0

What's new in matplotlib-0.63.0

  Announce notes with links available at

  * image interpolation works properly. I think I have finally and
    for real this time fixed the image interpolation / edge effect
    bug. It turns out there was a bug in antigrain (very unusual!)
    that was just found, fixed, and released. I've incorporated the
    latest release into matplotlib, and after talking with the Maxim
    implemented a solution in matplotlib which fixes the edge problem
    w/o the view lim hack used previously. Basically, I pad the edges
    of the input image. This is described in more detail in the new
    examples/ There is still an occasional off by 1
    rounding problem that causes a 1 pixel error (this is independent
    of the interpolation/edge bug).

  * The dates handling is rewritten from the ground up, and now
    requires python2.3. It makes extensive use of dateutil for date
    ticking. All of your old date code will break, but it's an easy
    port. In particular, note that the date tick location
    constructors now have a different meaning. See,, the updated date
    demos in examples/ and the new dates tutorial at

  * now automatically detects Numeric, numarray or both, and
    compiles in the appropriate extension code. Thus you can use
    matplotlib with either or both packages and still get the optimal
    performance. So it is no longer necessary to set NUMERIX in, but it is necessary to have the extensions you want
    compiled available at the time you compile matplotlib. The win32
    build is for numarray 1.1.

  * new functions xlim, ylim, xticks and yticks to make setting axis
    limits, tick locations and labels more natural and elegant.

  * Reorganized all python library code to lib/ subdir

  * Added print to file handle for backend agg; see
    examples/ Useful for webapp servers who want to
    print to a pipe.

  * x and y coords are printed in the toolbar on nouse motion in
    backends gtk* and tkagg (not implemented yet in wx*). You can set
    the axis attributes ax.fmt_xdata and ax.fmt_ydata with callable
    functions to control the formatting of the reported coords
    (default uses the major tick formatter). See
    examples/ and examples/

  * Added axhline, axvline, axhspan and axvspan for plotting lines and
    rectangles (spans) in mixed data/axes coords. This is useful if
    for example, you want to provide a threshold line or range where
    the x range spans the axes (0-1 in axes coords) and the y range is
    given in data units. See example/

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