AFM reading

Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> writes:

With AFM reading in ft2font.cpp now, does that remove the need for

What I added was a way to call FT_Attach_File, which is used to parse an
AFM file and add the metrics to an already existing Type 1 font object.
I don't know if there is any way to use Freetype's AFM parser without a
PFB file to attach the AFM file to.

I know that the metrics are not exactly the same in a TTF vs and
AFM, but is the interface through Freetype the same whether it's a TTF
or AFM file?

Freetype tries to offer a unified interface to different font formats,
but for some stuff I think you have to query the sfnt tables (and what
have you) of a TTF font, which don't exist in Type 1.

TTF was historically developed because Type 1 was a proprietary Adobe
technology. Adobe published the spec right after that, but the font
formats are quite different as a result.


Jouni K. Seppänen