additions to

Hello. In case it is of use to anyone, here is a
revised that draws a polygon around
selected points, deletes points with a click of the
middle mouse button, and adds points with a right
click. Thanks John H for the help getting started.

I am just learning and do have a couple of questions.
Why is the lock on lasso needed in the original demo.
For my revised version, it works better without it (a
right click without dragging caused an infinite lock).

Also, I would have expected the callback function to
be executed directly on execution of the self.lasso =
Lasso(...) line in the onpress function, but instead
it is executed after the last line of the onpress
function. Why is this?

draws a polygon around points selected with the mouse
deletes points selected with a middle click
adds points selected with a right click
import os
from numpy import *
import glob

from matplotlib.widgets import Lasso
import matplotlib.mlab
from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly
from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
from matplotlib.collections import
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from pylab import figure, show, nx
import pdb

class Datum:
  colorin = colorConverter.to_rgba('red')
  colorout = colorConverter.to_rgba('green')
  def __init__(self, x, y, include=False):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    if include:
      self.color = self.colorin
      self.color = self.colorout

class LassoManager:
  def __init__(self, ax, data):
    #self.flag = flag
    self.axes = ax
    self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas = data

    self.Nxy = len(data)

    self.facecolors = [d.color for d in data]
    self.xys = [(d.x, d.y) for d in data]

    self.collection = RegularPolyCollection(
    fig.dpi, 6, sizes=(100,),
    offsets = self.xys,
    transOffset = ax.transData)


    self.cid =
  def callback(self, verts):
    ind = nx.nonzero(points_inside_poly(self.xys,
    if len(ind) == 0:
    for i in range(self.Nxy):
      if i in ind:
        self.facecolors[i] = Datum.colorin
        self.facecolors[i] = Datum.colorout


    # draw polygon
    if len(self.axes.patches) > 0:
    for i in ind:
    rect = Polygon(xyo, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)
    del self.lasso
  def onpress(self, event):
    if self.canvas.widgetlock.locked():
    if event.inaxes is None:
    if event.button == 3:
    if event.button == 2:
      d = list()
      for i in ax.collections[0]._offsets:
       dis = sqrt( (event.xdata - i[0])**2 +
(event.ydata - i[1])**2 )
      minn = min(d)
      minID = d.index(minn)
      self.Nxy = self.Nxy-1
    self.lasso = Lasso(event.inaxes,(event.xdata,
event.ydata), self.callback)
    # acquire a lock on the widget drawing
    # self.canvas.widgetlock(self.lasso)

data = [Datum(*xy) for xy in nx.mlab.rand(100,2)]

fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(0,1), ylim=(0,1),
flag = 0
lman = LassoManager(ax, data)


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I am just learning and do have a couple of questions.
Why is the lock on lasso needed in the original demo.
For my revised version, it works better without it (a
right click without dragging caused an infinite lock).

The locking is designed to prevent conflict with other resources that
may be competing with you to draw to the screen. Ie, if you enable
zoom to rect mode and the matplotlib backend is drawing a zoom
rectangle and you are drawing a lasso. In this case you'll get an
exception which should remind you that the resources are already
taken. There may be a better way to enable resource sharing, though..

I'm not sure about the lock you experienced right now.....

Also, I would have expected the callback function to
be executed directly on execution of the self.lasso =
Lasso(...) line in the onpress function, but instead
it is executed after the last line of the onpress
function. Why is this?

Well, the callback is triggered after the mouse us released, ie after
the lasso is complete.
The onpress sets up the lasso widget, which in turn connects to the
mouse move and mouse release events. When you are done with the lasso
and release the mouse, it triggers your callback. You could change
this behavior by subclassing Lasso -- it's a pretty small class that
lives in matplotlib.widgets. One could do everything on mouse motion,
which could be computationally expensive but might be what you are
looking for. I'm not quite sure what you are expecting to happen.



On 2/5/07, JJ <josh8912@...9...> wrote: