About the scientific ticker format on pylab plot


I want to know how to set the scientific ticker format in pylab. I know that I can set it to the form of 1e21, but what I want is something like x10^21, as follows:

e.png -----> x.png

Can anybody tell me how to do this? I searched on this for a long time, but still I did not find the answer.

Sorry to bother those who are not interested.

Best regards


I want to know how to set the scientific ticker format in pylab. I know
that I can set it to the form of 1e21, but what I want is something like
x10^21, as follows:

Inline image 1 -----> Inline image 2

Can anybody tell me how to do this? I searched on this for a long time,
but still I did not find the answer.

Execute this before plotting:

rcParams['axes.formatter.use_mathtext'] = True

or set it in your matplotlibrc file.



On 2014/03/03 11:40 AM, Ying Liu wrote:

Sorry to bother those who are not interested.

Best regards